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aTokenYeti said:

Take this with a massive grain of salt but this might explain why the FTC appears to be panicking now.

Would be incredible if Microsoft won their UK appeal and closed the deal over the FTC

So far, I'd say things are leaning in favour of Microsoft in regards to the CAT appeal, still early though but in the first two proceedings Microsoft achieved a big win in both, in relation to the quicker date and allowance of certain evidence. Those UK lawyers think CAT will remit it back to CMA but we'd have to see what restrictions CAT places on CMA if they do that.

Apparently the FTC believed Microsoft was about to close the deal regardless, I think Microsoft baited them, I actually don't know if Microsoft ever had any serious intention of closing over the CMA but they put the bait out there and caused FTC to panic and now here we are, Microsoft got exactly what they wanted rather than waiting for months on end.