green_sky said: What are some games you guys like at this E3 but not an E3? Would be interesting to see what tickled your fancy. |
Learned about DORF RTS, and I think it's my 2nd most anticipated RTS, besides Tempest rising. Stormgate whelmed me, but also felt like it was treading into "oh no, another PVP RTS" (doesn't help that it's going F2P and their first showing of actual gameplay was a 1v1 PVP match).
There's a few indies here and there that I saw via Steam's Summer fest, though most of these are coming out in 2024 in early access, so my expectations/excitement is toned back for now.
Tbh, the stuff I knew that was coming before these events (like Armored Core), I was already looking forward to, but I do like that we've got a few RTS games next year, but I do wish we saw more announced stuff for games coming out in 6 months from now or something (Like Armored core). I am definitely going to nab Dragon's Dogma 2, as the first really gelled well with me (And I love the Beast folk, since they remind me of FF a bit).
There isn't much from the AAA space besides DD2 and Armored Core that I know excite me and have me waiting for them patiently (still dont know why people pre-order digital games with these events, wish listing I understand).
I also feel that due to my hardware getting on with time, and my inability to upgrade for god knows how long, the other AAA's like Starfield are out of my reach (and it's Beth, so I expect an assload of bugs and perf that will never be fixed due to their engine being ass), so I'm likely just going to go with Capcom's AAA's, Armored Core, and the rest being smaller indie titles.
Biggest disappointment from these shows were:
- PCgamer show felt like a snoozefest, outside of what was already shown at other events (save for DORF, which looked great, and Stormgate which looked meh)
- MS's show was alright, but most of their stuff is a while away, and I've not much hope for Fable, and I was disappointed by Obsidian's showcase.
- Ubisoft I care little for these days, and Prince of Persia looked horrid and not anything like what came before, with Skull & Bones being mid looking/sounding, and though I would like to take a shot at Creed Mirage, I'm not really up for supporting Ubisoft, because Mirage and most of the games they showed off, are locked down to just their store or EGS (which means they didn't actually learn fuck all about them losing sales by ignoring Steam these past few years).
- Sony shouldn't have even hosted that showcase, since it felt like a big nothing burger, and well, as Jim Ryan said a few weeks back "Don't expect PS5 games on PC for 3-5 years", so my interest in anything from Sony is likely to go back to zero until they start caring about my money again in the future.
- That John Carpenter game looked alright, but my disappointment became apparent the moment I discovered it was going to be EGS exclusive, which means I'm never playing that game in this lifetime (I don't support devs/publishers by buying the game a year later on Steam, because I'm not a lap dog who barks on command and waits to reward them with money for making me wait a year).
Ultimately, I still feel like everyone hasn't learned much of a lesson, and are still announcing stuff too early, especially the indies (Dorf is apparently 1-2 years away from full release, and though I like how I was able to discover it now, I am not at all fond of having to wait this long, and would have preferred them showcase their game much closer to final release).
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"