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After people's complaints about Avowed's colours/art-style, it's interesting to pop over to the Pillars of Eternity Subreddit who mostly don't take issue with the colours, in fact it's mostly positive about the colours. The change from the initial trailer is a bit jarring but I don't think it's a surprise to any Pillars of Eternity fans, especially as Living Lands is described as a weird and colourful place.

Still half a year at minimum to improve the graphics too, which I don't even think are that bad, especially rewatching it on Youtube and looking at the 4K screenshots. The biggest issue I see is the sword combat looks straight out of Elder Scrolls (I.E. Bad, Lol). I like the magic though so I may just be a magic user for the most part. But eh, I'm not feeling optimistic about the combat being great, serviceable maybe.

But it's Obsidian and they're masters at RPG so that part should shine and I love all the stuff they said in the interviews, especially about the companions having a larger role than just meatbots that follow you around, that was something that stood out to me in The Outer Worlds, they actually felt like they had a personality and opinion on things and interacted with the story at times.

No surprise either but the Starfield Subreddit doesn't seem to care much about the 30fps stuff, Lol. Tbh I think they did a masterclass in marketing by revealing this information after the Direct because the reaction, outside of the fanboys, has been largely not caring about it, understanding or disappointment but with understanding so the blowback...I don't really know if we can say there was one.

I remember people dooming that Starfield can't be 30fps after Redfall and honestly I expected a much harsher reaction too but it has been meh, Lol. It was almost like they planned the Direct like "look at all the shit we have in the game, look at all these dang systems, look at how massive our game is, do you really expect we can do 60fps too?" and most are now talking about all the shit in the game, Lol.