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I don't know why anyone, after watching Starfield Direct, expected a 60fps after seeing that. The sheer scope and scale, the world simulation, the physics simulation, alongside the pretty great graphical improvements (especially the lighting). Expecting 60fps was a pipedream on Xbox. Very few, if any, videogames have the same level of scope alongside physical simulations and world interactivity as Bethesda titles do.

And no, plucking random ass cross-gen open world titles which are 60fps is not backing your point up, Lol.

It's not as simple as "drop the resolution" and a near locked 30fps may preferable to a 60fps which constantly drops harshly. The CPU is the limiting factor here, not the GPU and thus lowering the resolution won't change a thing. Should they offer an unlocked for VRR TVs though? Sure, the fluctuations even there may be harsh enough to be very noticeable but if people want that then w/e.

Reality is that most won't care though, despite what Twitter warriors will try to tell us. A lot of Bethesda's fanbase is on PC and I don't think the general consumer market cares about 60fps anywhere near as much as forum dwellers do. We've just had TotK which scored brilliantly and can't even keep a stable 30fps. We had Jedi Survivor which was loved but performance mode was so bad that reviewers were telling people to play it in resolution mode.

We've also had multiple WRPGs with terrible combat but are considered GOTGs, Lol.

Is it okay to be disappointed about no 60fps? Yes! But you should also understand why it's the case and this "ah it's not 60fps it's doomed" is annoying but what's even more annoying is the armchair developers who throw shit out like "just lower the resolution bro, it'll fix everything, it's that easy" as if it's just a case of erasing the "3840x2160" and replacing it with "1080"

I can't think of a single videogame which is on the scope of Starfield in terms of content/size and with the same amount of world interactivity, physical calculations along with the save state of Creation Engine which saves the location of every single physical object in the universe and tracks it at all times alongside the AI. Creation Engine doesn't get enough credit because "not pretty/low performance" without thinking about everything else it does.

Sure, the FPS may be a little worse but we'll live, we've played dozens of titles in 30fps over the past 15-20 years, Lol, I think we'll get over it within a few hours of playing the game and get used to it. I've also played countless of WRPGs which I considered amazing but had terrible combat such as Witcher 3, New Vegas, Skyrim, Oblivion, etc.

I don't think Starfield's gunplay will be terrible but it won't be the first time I've suffered through 30fps in a shooter/shooter RPG. It should be a serviceable experience but it's also not a super past faced FPS either and I reckon at least 50% of the game won't even be spent in gunfights. It's not a linear FPS, it's a WRPG.

After what I saw yesterday, I couldn't care less about 60fps, I'm going to spend hours alone just talking to people, customising my ships, customising my planets, managing my crew, experiencing the story, and sure I'll put some bullets in some MFs but I think I'll cope, Lol. It's also not the only combat route you have to take either, you can be stealthy or talk your way out of certain situations it seems.

60fps is not the standard yet for next gen only games, a lot of next gen only games have launched locked 30fps or recommended 30fps because they aren't stable any higher and those games that are actually 60fps are largely cross-gen titles (Ragnarok, Forza Horizon 5, Halo Infinite, Forbidden West), Starfield is fully taking advantage of next gen only.

Good on Bethesda I'd say for sticking to their development philosophy, I want a Bethesda title first and foremost, and if getting 60fps on Xbox meant they had to make cutbacks to the cities sizes, to their world interactivity, physics calculations, to their NPCs in interactivity, AI and amount, etc. Then they made the right choice to push open world simulation as far as it can go on current hardware, like every other Bethesda title.

If you care that much about FPS and the best performance possible then get a PC. This whining can p*ss off if it hurts my classical Bethesda experience and causes cutbacks in what we know and love Bethesda for. That was a longer rant than I set out originally, Lmao. Sorry for the long post.

Starfield Direct was one of the best showings for a videogame that I've ever seen.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 June 2023