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So good to see people are very happy about the showcase! I don't know why it felt a bit lukewarm for me and I was certain there would be another round of doom & gloom lol.

Probably it was the lack of gameplay and all those japanese titles. Atlus games releasing on Xbox is good I suppose, but it's boring waste of showcase space. Hellblade & Forza presentation felt particularly pointless without gameplay.

It was great to see Fable but I'm not sure how I feel about it. Gave me too much Hogwarts Legacy vibes and the humour fell flat and didn't have the same unique charm. Visually it was beautiful.

South of Midnight is an interesting one. Compulsion have an eye for artstyle & design and this was no exeption. Loved the guitar music and characters look nice. Hopefully they'll nail gameplay this time too.

Steampunk stuff is always welcome and when it's rpg by inExile you simply can't be anything but hyped. Clockwork Revolution was one of the highlights for me.

More to follow..