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Combat is a significant step-up from prior Bethesda titles, animations are a lot better, art-direction is stunning, the RPG mechanics sound deeper, the graphics in some areas are beautiful, the classic Bethesda feeling of the world feeling alive with everyone going about their daily lives is there. The cities look great. The customisation for ships is so damn detailed, I laughed out loud at that mech ship.

The sim elements of hiring crew and assigning them tasks either on your ship or your claimed outposts is very cool. Being able to find and recruit injured companions randomly scattered across the galaxy is a nice touch, being able to customise Vasco, Lol. They've had a huge jump in practically every single aspect of Bethesda video games.

The fucking Adoring Fan is back, holy shit, that was an amazing and hilarious callback, Lol. I'm definitely recruiting that bastard.

When they told us what we could do, I was like, sweet, then it kept going, and going, and going, and all I'm thinking now is I'm going to spend 1,000+ hours in this game, they've really poured everything into this game. The performance is a bit iffy in parts and has noticeable drops but holy shit at everything else going on and the upgrades everywhere else.

My one complaint, aside from the performance, is still not knowing much about the story but I don't know if that's really a complaint, more than a worry, I want it to have a deep story as a hardcore Sci-Fi RPG but I understand if they don't want to reveal much about it since the story is all about "mystery" and "exploration" but I want to know more about the factional stories and such as well, the politics.

The Starfield Direct on its own was an A. It was everything I wanted to see and more.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 June 2023