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It's weird to me to see people who loved Warcraft, but did not love WoW.

Like I grew up with all 3 and the MMO, did you guys not love Warcraft's lore or something, or did you guys just want the story to end with "orcs free, Sylvanas forever dead and damned to eternal suffering"?.

I'm going to be real here, but WC3 didn't exactly tie the story up in a bow, and there was no fundamental way we could have all the lore we have now, pumped into 10 more Warcraft RTS games. The MMO was more logical, especially from a storytelling standpoint.

I love RTS myself as much as anyone here, but I really vibed with Warcraft's general lore, which is why I'm still playing the MMO to this day and reading some of the books, because the lore heavily interests me (as well as the art design of characters/environments). This makes me wonder if some of you liked the gameplay over the lore, because if you stopped at WC3 and didn't bother with the MMO, then you missed out on a stupidly large amount of lore, and even the books cannot cover it all, so you've kinda sold yourself short in the caring about lore dept.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"