— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) June 1, 2023
Poland decides to strengthen Moldova, helping it defend against a potential Russian coup d’etat.
Poland has decided to donate a huge shipment (2 Hercules planes and 4 CASA planes) of weapons, ammunition and other equipment) to the Moldovan Ministry of Interior.
Niepodległa i suwerenna Mołdawia, opierająca się próbom wewnętrznej destabilizacji, potrzebuje naszego wsparcia! Dlatego podjąłem decyzję o przekazaniu policji mołdawskiej ogromnego transportu (2 Herculesy i 4 Casy) broni, amunicji i wyposażenia od służb podległych MSWiA. 🇵🇱🤝🇲🇩
— Mariusz Kamiński (@Kaminski_M_) June 1, 2023
An independent and sovereign Moldova, resisting attempts at internal destabilisation, needs our support! That is why I decided to give the Moldovan police a huge transport (2 Hercules and 4 Casas) of weapons, ammunition and equipment from the services subordinate to the Ministry of Interior and Administration
Poland wants to fuck Russia everywhere, love it.
Moldova needs to let Ukraine deal with the Transnistria problem.