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It was just over a year ago that I saw devs losing their mind over Judgment's character walking up and down stairs because he steps on every step and has no clipping. That's just an insane amount of work. I saw a lot of devs quoting this and such.

Then there was the bread in Yakuza 7. Games that look great and aim for realism. I am no longer impressed with how shiny graphics are but with how things behave in the world. So little things like this impress me more than RT by a million times. However, it's just one thing. Then I play ToTK on my Switch and while on a technical level, it's looking a little rough on a 4k TV. All that washes away when you see how things behave in the world. You can def have it both ways if a dev wants. I'm not making an argument to side with anything btw. This is a standalone post. Where I just feel the time and era of shinier graphics aren't that impressive. Most games look good enough but few games take that extra step. Animations. Inworld behaviors should be a higher focus from now on. 8th generation we finally moved past concrete bushes.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!