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Wyrdness said:

Except we know the hardware was fine because the specs were the same as the 360 the problem was the architecture which only allowed half to be utilised it isn't anyone else's problem if you don't understand the relationship between architecture and hardware. Architecture is why a platform like Switch can run games like the Witcher 3 and Doom with the specs it has even though the numbers on paper don't look possible.

Having the hardware is only one part of the equation architecture breaks down how each component functions in unison and in the PS3s case the Ram was divided. The whole throw more numbers argument is flawed because you can never have enough memory to do what you ask as even the so called data that you say should freeze when you are out of range is taking up space and it will only build up which is why you're being unrealistic. What you're complaining about will always be there no matter what the hardware and architecture because that is the developers working smart.

To highlight the flaw in what you are saying it is essentially telling someone that if you leave a tap on the bathtub will eventually overflow so you need an overflow pipe installed as well as drainage. Your answer of more Ram is effectively like saying well just get a bigger bathtub, it doesn't remove the core issue and the need for the measures to deal with it. 

The hardware between ps3 and 360 is completely different, what are you talking about? Cell CPU, split ram is not the same as X86 CPU + unified RAM. That's very different hardware. Specs don't mean much on their own, hence tflops is a useless measurement of hardware capabilities on its own.
Architecture = Hardware. It's not software!!!

"To highlight the flaw in what you are saying it is essentially telling someone that if you leave a tap on the bathtub will eventually overflow so you need an overflow pipe installed as well as drainage"
What flaw, that's what I have been saying all along. F4 got optimized and ran better, FS2020 got optimized and didn't need 64GB of RAM anymore to run 8 hour flights. Now it stays within 20GB RAM maxed out. Dunno if Skyrim got optimized but on better hardware, 170 hours on PSVR1, not a single issue. (Apart from them not bothering to fix the door glitch, had to wiggle teleport through the door again)

We already have plenty hardware, all you need is storage to keep track of changes. I've been doing this storing of world changes since 2001 on much weaker hardware. Put your cells into dynamically balancing quad trees and you can store infinite changes as long as you don't run out of disk space. You might lose some draw distance based on how many quads you can load back into active RAM. But this problem has been solved long ago. The small save file limitation, likely a choice, is what makes it not possible in TotK.

Anyway I made it to the depths yesterday. Cool place to explore, love it down there. But I'm not prepared, still only have 4 hearts and you can't heal down there. I wandered off naturally, stumbled on a camp of 4 red koboklins, no problem. However next camp had 8 or 9 running out at me, zerg rushed lol. I still long for auto-map, but seems it's more Ubisoft towers to map the depths. I'm guessing poes and zonaite are needed in tons of quantities? Found lots of poes already and the dude on Sky Island wants a ton of crystalized Zonaite (dunno yet how to crystalize it) before he even begins.

Great atmosphere down there, oddly not even that dark. Don't really need the light bloom seeds (at least not playing at night), but they sure help when there is camp in the way. Guess I should go up and do some shrines first, get more arrows and better shields etc.