Pemalite said: Actually didn't mind that StarCraft 2 got split up into 3 games, each "pack" was rather expansive in terms of campaign, so it was warranted. |
I mean I still bought all 3 when they came out respectively, it's just that they also happened to pull a Ubisoft and sell each expansion pack into different editions of said expac packs, and that's where I saw stuff starting to fall apart for Blizz (from my pov at least).
It is epansive for sure, but I'm not a fan of them selling skins, selling Nova missions at £5 a pop, and also selling "commanders" for their co-op game mode either (that's why I said, when you add each expac and base game as complete editions+Novadlc+skins+announcers+Commanders, you get upwards of £200, and that's for an RTS).
Yeah, the gaps gotten pretty damn big, and I do miss SC in general, and while I know I can play SC I remaster and SC II (though I'm still irked that both are now forced into always online, meaning I've no real way to play them offline at all), I still feel like we could do with a SC III and call it a day on the franchise.
Sadly though, their board stopped talking about SCII shortly after it went F2P, so I'm guessing to the board, SC as a franchise is dead to them, especially after what went down with WC3 Reforged, and the lack of effort they put into fixing that mess after it launched.
It really is sad that one of the companies that originally was one of the main pillars of the genre, has given up entirely, but again, I blame Activision for this, because I knew beforehand that there absolutely were staff at Blizz that really loved SC, and love making games there, but Acti wants money printers, not quality games.
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.