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Ryuu96 said:
konnichiwa said:

Had not much time to reply and barely have watched the Sony Showcase yet.

No I don't think this is a 10/10 showcase personally and generally in fact it was relatively weak but is also like I mentioned it doesn't change much yet, with summer of games/TGS/Game awards and possible playstation events coming in the year they can surprise people but damn this can be a bad..

In general response

-Yes I saw a ton of people complain about gamepass having a dip in this thread, the days with huge blockbusters coming(GTA/RDR2/Witcher2/All SE games/YAkuza games and ton of other surprises) feels like the past 

- The deals discussion still feels so silly especially compared with installbase, Xbox doesn't mind a game is exclusive to their console and comes day one aswell on PC while Sony seems to try to have games first only on their console and later PC.... I can not imagine those deals being cheap especially when even companies like Capcom are saying PC revenue for some games is bigger than Xbox + PS combined.

Those huge blockbusters (GTA/RDR) which came years and years after their launch on Xbox platforms and were available on Game Pass for over a year? But you complain about Xbox getting Japanese games only after they launch on PS first...

Tbh...I've only seen like 1-2 users complaining about Game Pass in this thread this year and most of the time it's met with counter arguments.

Wait a minute, does Yakuza count as a huge blockbuster but Monster Hunter Rise doesn't? Lol. I love Yakuza but it's nothing compared to Monster Hunter, you only need to look at sales data to come to that conclusion.

It wasn't just GTA RDR, or all the Yakuza games, or plenty of FF games or DQXI,TR games, Monster Hunter World, Fallout 4(before acquisition),Metro, Sekiro , Res village; or the KH games, it felt like every month had a big surprise.  I don't have an issue with J games releasing on gamepass after they were exclusive for PS for years. Thats great for gamepass owners but is not attractive for others. Especially if you go to TGS and announce to a Japanese audience, some of the games you played on PS or somewhere else will come to Xbox and gamepass.... Just have a look on some Xbox TGS reactions on youtube

And yes those users who complained about the dip in gamepass had a point I just did not mention it then because for me it is still like 8-9/10(depends also on the month) but it is dipping a bit....

Anyway for me the discussions is done because we are so close to the 11th of june now...

Edit, after having a Gears 3 controller on X360, Gears Crimson Red controller for Xbox one, I could really use a Gears controller for Xbox series;