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To give fairness to Sony, I think we may be seeing something which has affected Xbox in recent history.

Development Times Are Too Damn Long - AAAs Are Incredibly Hard.

It is becoming harder and harder to create AAAs and the average is now 4-7 years for most AAAs and people act like Sony wasn't affected by COVID but they absolutely were, a lot of their projects were delayed due to COVID but still released in the early gen period but now those studios have already released very large titles and their next will be years away so Sony didn't show them.

It's so hard to put out AAA on a consistent basis nowadays and I think we're finally seeing it affect Sony if this showcase is any indication. Xbox suffered harder though because their 1st party was virtually dead in 2018 and had to be completely rebuilt. Creating New IPs is hard, creating AAAs is hard, creating new studios is very f*cking hard, Lol.

This just shows how important acquisitions are, 1st party companies need more studios, more manpower, than ever before for consistent releases.