It has taken a while but I think the West has finally realised that Russia is all talk, or starting to realise it. All their threats and supposedly red lines (Anti-Ship Missiles, Western MBTs, Long Range Missiles, Jets), etc. All their lines and we've broken almost every single one aside from direct involvement and there has been no response, no escalation, Russia is already maxed out on their escalation.
Some were still concerned about Ukraine trying to take back Crimea because of what Russia's reaction would be but look at how Russia reacts when their own territory is being invaded and temporarily occupied. I've sort of noticed it by America's response too, their response to Ukraine (or well, Russian proxies) invading Belgorod essentially amounted to "we don't give a shit, Russia is the aggressor"
I think if anything if Russia loses Crimea it will be knives out at home.