gtotheunit91 said:
Yeah that pretty much covers it! Not to mention the major PR backlash if Xbox did try to moneyhat the likes of FF16, Resident Evil 4, or some other major AAA third party game. It would make the Tomb Raider backlash look like child's play! There's a reason why their third party exclusives have stuck with indie and AA titles only since Tomb Raider. |
If Xbox moneyhatted FF16 then they'd be fucking slaughtered, Lmao.
It's what happens when the rival is beating you by so much, in brand, in console sales, etc.
An Xbox moneyhat will always have more people angry than a Sony moneyhat, it's simple maths, there are more PlayStation fans.
And they're so entrenched in their system there is no guarantee they will swap to Xbox for a single IP rather than just wait.
Rise of the Tomb Raider cost $100m and all it got Xbox was immense backlash from gamers, journalists and Square Enix bitching about its sales, Lol.
Microsoft probably made fuck all from that deal, it didn't move consoles, it didn't sell enough, Microsoft paid $100m for no benefits.