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DroidKnight said:

On the moneyhatting issue. I'm just trying to figure this stuff out.

Lets take last generation console hardware numbers for the example. (117 million PS4s vs 51 million Xbox Ones)

To moneyhat a game isn't as simple as outbidding the competitor?

For Sony to moneyhat a big AAA game, let's say 80 million dollars to keep it off of 51 million Xboxs.
Xbox could offer 120 million dollars to keep it off of 117 million PS4s and even though they outbid the competition by a lot it would still be turned down because of the smaller Xbox player count base vs the larger Playstation base?

They could offer even larger amounts of money, but with the smaller player base this would just end up becoming a loss on Xbox's part and a bad investment.

The way I see it, there is no way for Xbox to successfully moneyhat games, it isn't an equal playing field. Outright purchasing developers and publishers does seem the proper route for Xbox.

Yeah that pretty much covers it! Not to mention the major PR backlash if Xbox did try to moneyhat the likes of FF16, Resident Evil 4, or some other major AAA third party game. It would make the Tomb Raider backlash look like child's play! 

There's a reason why their third party exclusives have stuck with indie and AA titles only since Tomb Raider. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind