Nothing Screams Aiming for 6/10 Like...
- Having an average Metascore of 87.4 in 2021, the first time ever for a publisher.
- Having an average Metascore of 80+ since 2020.
- Expanding your Xbox Studios from 6 to 23.
- Growing 6 of those new studios to AAA from AA or brand new.
- Having 30+ projects in development of various sizes (AA-AAA) and genres.
- Giving your teams a lot of resources and time.
- Acquiring an entire publisher, responsible for one of the biggest IPs of all time.
- Trying to acquire the largest publisher in the industry (failure is irrelevant in relation to aiming).
- Having one of the most diverse line-ups amongst major publishers in terms of genres.
- Releasing two 90+ titles since 2020 (Flight Sim, Forza Horizon) and multiple in the high 80s.
- Having the most powerful console on paper.
But the OS! The Controller! The External SSD!
We really scrapping the bottom of the barrel here, Lmao. I think you honestly enjoy being negative sometimes.
The OS doesn't need a massive revamp just cause "next gen" who honestly gives a shit, if anything I'm sick of how much the OS changes, they should stop changing it after the upcoming tile resizing and focus on other OS features such as Achievements.
The Xbox controller is great, it has always been great, it doesn't need any drastic changes.
SSD situation is unfortunate how long they had a deal with Seagate for but hardly worth listing as a reason why they're aiming for 6/10, Lmao. Just delete some shit off your HD and wait for a cheaper SSD.
Yes Games with Gold sucks, I've not cared about Games with Gold since Game Pass though, and I'm willing to bet that like 80% of Gamers are only on XBLG for Xbox Live anyway, not GwG.
Game Pass is still great. It has had multiple high quality releases this year, a few major ones, a few titles which despite reviews were well received by the public and played by millions, and despite all the complaining about the Japanese releases, Game Pass in 2023 has had more Japanese releases, more Japanese publishers and more genre variety than 2022/2021/2020 dates aligned (Jan - May).
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 May 2023