Alex_The_Hedgehog said: Well, maybe, but I see quite a bunch of people criticizing it because it's more action-oriented. |
As someone who would prefer a more ATB based experience, there are a few reasons. People first of all calling ATB outdated piss me off, so I argue against them, gameplay can't be outdated, it's gameplay. Just because they don't like it doesn't mean it's not good but in a sense it feels like SquEnix feel like this also and are purposely changing FF as a game to fit and appeal to a certain audience and I'm not that audience, you know a fan of the series.
Also, for me, a lot of gameplay strategy is removed when it's action based. Turns into just wailing on the enemy a lot, now if this was part of a series known for that, DMC, KH etc, sure, great but this is FF. I kinda expect some kind of strategy. I beat the final boss of FF7R first time by spamming a Tifa ability which cost no resources and gave her invul-frames and having Barret at the back spamming Prayer (a heal spell better than cure and all combined and cost zero MP) on cooldown. Spamming square, doing tiny damage on enemies just to get your bar full to do a move, like why not just have a timer to get to that and have attack as one of the moves and have it do the same amount of damage all those tiny hits were doing? It's like they think people will get bored if they don't break their square button.
Let's put it a different want, using another genre. If the next Tekken released and it was a 2D plane fighting game, ala Street Fighter. It's still a fighting game, still Tekken but my interest in the series will drop because well, I like Tekken's gameplay, not SFs.
I have nothing against action based combat, I love me some KHs and while maybe not to my tastes, FF15 and 7R were good in terms of combat overall (can't even remember the story in FF15, lots of wandering around an open world) and FF7R was mostly just filler. But older FF games, with their stories and combat are far better than anything that has been offered to use over the last decade and a half.
Hmm, pie.