gtotheunit91 said: Out of curiosity, what is everyone hoping to see at the Xbox Showcase that would make you personally feel like the showcase is a success? Like once it’s over, you’re feeling good about Xbox’s future. |
I don't have high expectations, I just want to see at least 3-4 games that interest me, and preferably some of them being new stuff instead of old games remakes/rereleases, and it would be already good enough for me. As for these games, it will most likely need to be third parties. Don't care for first party stuff as I somewhat lost hope for them to be making anything interesting for me long time ago.
Spade said: I very much doubt we are getting anything exclusive from Japan, maybe that Kojima game. But definitely no acquisitions lol. |
True. There is a zero chance that Japanese studio will be making Xbox exclusive unless Microsoft owns them like Tango. Anyone thinking otherwise is simply out of touch with reality.
Shaunodon said: I find the Square Enix hate to be a bit laughably exaggerated. Compared to XGS, they've quietly released several hidden gems over the last year or so. All of them with physical releases and smart delivery too. And even threw a bone with a same-day release of the Crisis Core remaster, which was both designed and optimised well across all systems. |
Agree. Square Enix hate in undeserved. But a lot of people in Xbox community just like to believe in this "Square Enix hates Xbox" bullshit being thrown by various "insiders".
shikamaru317 said: Personally, I would be happy, but only if it was day one Gamepass, or if not day one gamepass, cheaper on release, like $40 at most. Ain't no way I'd let Square get away with charging $70 for a 3 year late Xbox release. When Square Enix's Nier Automata got it's late Xbox release it did come in cheaper than the original PS4 release, at $50 on Xbox at launch compared to $60 on PS4 at launch, which wasn't a big savings but it was day one Gamepass so it balanced out. So hopefully if it does finally come to Xbox it is either day one Gamepass or significantly cheaper on release than the PS5 version at $70. |
NieR Automata comparison is a bit invalid, because it also came with DLC bundled on Xbox while you had to pay 10$ extra on PS4. So, the more valid comparison is 50 vs 70.