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Wyrdness said:
haxxiy said:

I finished BOTW in February with over 150 in stock, this time less than 50 despite more or less completing the same amount of tasks and buying far more from Beedle. Huge difference considering I wasn't even using them to shoot glowing seeds or w/e.

Maybe there's more scattered around the overworld, IDK, but I have no patience for open-world collect-a-thons.

I've not done any collectathons and found way more arrows than in the prior game the only reason my stock is often around 40 or so is because of the frequent use of them. They're dropped so often from crates, barrels and enemies to the point they're far more common than in BOTW. Most chests will even contain them, to say they're scarce in the game is objectively incorrect even in comparison to the previous game at the very minimum it's on par. 

Yeah there's a few more regular arrows to find than in BotW but like I said the reason why they feel more scarce is because you don't get an extra supply of fire/ice/shock/bomb arrows on top of them, so you just end up using way more of the normal arrows.