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SvennoJ said:
Slownenberg said:

Agreed with the OP on weapon breaking being good. There is too much hate in general around the weapon breaking mechanic. The whole picking up weapons throughout the game idea wouldn't work at all without weapon breaking. And it makes it so you use a bunch of different weapons which is fun.

That said, I do wish the weapons lasted a bit longer. Fewer breaks in the middle of battles would be nice. Or like say have a meter of the weapons durability so you can see how low it is getting rather than just it flashing red when its about to break, so you can go into battle with a different weapon if you don't want to make a couple hits and then suddenly your weapon if flashing red about to break.

Reforging weapons in towns with like say the metals you've picked up in the wild would be cool too. That way if you get a weapon you really like you can reforge it rather than having to wait until you find it again.

So yes I think the weapon breaking system could be improved, but I have no problems at all with the idea of weapon breaking in general. Definitely think it is a good thing, and not a bad thing like so many people think.

TWD S&S Chapter 1 gets the balance right. Plus you can still harvest materials from nearly broken weapons by recycling them. It would be nice if it had a repair option but it's easy to just build a new weapon. Plus the inventory is all together so it's up to you how many fun toys you take around vs how much room you leave for loot to bring back. (Chapter 2 breaks the balance by throwing double the amount of enemies at you still with the same weapon durability, forcing you to bring twice as many weapons along as in Chapter 1) And you can always use a spoon or whatever else lays around to use as a weapon.

The issue with BotW is that weapons don't even last one fight. I routinely needed 3 to 6 weapons for the harder enemies. Just leaves no room for experimentation. Can't afford to give up the space.

Agreed with the weapons breaking TOO often. As I said, it'd be nice if they lasted a bit longer. Especially the stronger weapons I would think should have decent durability. I mean I don't mind that much having to switch weapons mid battle, it kinda makes me think to myself 'oh what would be a cool weapon to finish this battle off with', but at the same time at least the stronger weapons should have good enough durability to not be wondering every fight if its gonna break haha.

Overall I like weapon durability a lot, I just think it could be tweaked to be better. Since the weapons break so often I find myself saving weapons I think are really cool and not even using them because I don't want them to break haha. So definitely being able to reforge weapons in villages would be something to make me not concerned if a weapon breaks right now if I know I can reforge it later if I choose, as well as weapons maybe just lasting 50% longer (at least the more serious weapons) so that breaking every time you fight a few enemies isn't a concern.

But not a big deal. Just a minor issue I wish was tweaked, like how I feel about the cooking in BotW. I liked Pokemon Arceus' system of saving meals, that'd be great in BotW so I don't have to try to memorize how to make meals with certain effects and whatnot. Just a small QoL streamlining issue. But in comparison to the overall game those things are like 0.1% downgrade, they don't really take away from the experience at all. It's like enjoying a sunny day and then having to deal with a cloud passing by for 10 minutes. No biggie.