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The more I think about it, the more CMA's response comes across as poor, very odd behaviour, Lol. Response itself even looks rushed and it basically sums up as "LALA I'M RIGHT. YOU'RE WRONG" Lol. I don't know why they felt like they had to respond, every jurisdiction has made their own decision, they didn't respond to anyone else, so why respond to the EU specifically? And nobody at the EC has even mentioned CMA so it was unpromoted.

It's just making them look even more politically motivated than we originally thought and comes across as insecure on their decision. This is the European Union's market and in case CMA forgot, the UK left the EU, Lol. They can make a decision for their own market, it doesn't need your commentary on their decision.

Also I find it funny how they keep saying they're protecting a free market whilst being the only regulator to block the deal, FTC doesn't really count, Lol. Also that same market they're protecting is largely in favour of the deal or doesn't care so it feels more like "we're protecting specifically Google and Sony" and Google ain't even in the dang market anymore, Lol.