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Wyrdness said:

The problem with a lot of the criticism from those who didn’t find BOTW and now TOTK not to their liking is that the angle they're coming from is a lot of the time is either subjective or an individual issue like how they play or what appeals to them while the central praise for the two games is often for it's emergent freedom which has objective aspects to it that can't be argued. No game offers the level of it in one package, you don't have to like it but understand that it not appealing to you or you not utilising it is not really a criticism against what the game is mainly praise for it's just more down to the individual.

Yeah the people who criticize the games seem to just be people who don't like open world games or just didn't want to zelda formula to change to open world because they think of Zelda very specifically as the pre-BotW Zelda formula.

Basically everyone else that doesn't hold those biases loves BotW (and presumably TotK). BotW is definitely one of the coolest and most engrossing games I've ever played. I do love the old Zelda formula, but I think it is better for new 2D Zelda games, while 3D should stick to the open world formula which is just so much more engrossing.

So yeah I agree, the criticisms seem to be personal bias, while the compliments are more objectively based like talking about how amazing the gameplay is and how amazing the open world is and the freedom is and so on. Not to say their are valid more general objective criticisms for BotW, cuz the game ain't perfect, though hoping TotK went a long way to perfecting it.