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Runa216 said:
Hiku said:

Incidentally I was just in a call with a friend, and he was ranting for about 10+ mins about how he doesn't like Tears of the Kingdom or BOTW and doesn't understand the appeal.
A few days ago some other friends of mine were saying similar things.

It's a bit of a strange feeling when something is getting critical acclaim, but almost everyone I personally know dislikes it.
I'm also in that camp of not being interested in BOTW from what I played, and it's not the first time I've been on the complete opposite end of the popularity spectrum. For me God of War 2018 was about a 5/10 in terms of how entertaining it was, but most people seem to love it to death.

For Zelda I think it's mainly series fatigue for me, more so than the different direction.
It used to be a series that elicited a very magical feeling for me, where I couldn't wait to play the new one. And the ride home after buing a Zelda game felt like an eternity.
Nowadays I don't feel interested. And when I force myself to play, I don't get into it, with the exception of A Link Between Worlds.
I wish that wasn't the case. Because few games have been as magical to me as Zelda games.

oh, I get not liking it. There's plenty of games out there that are masterpieces that I personally can't stand. Mass Effect Trilogy is a great example. Pretty much all of that team's games I dislike...but that doesn't make them bad. 

I can 100% understand why someone might not like what Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom do. They have a very specific appeal and some people don't care for that. I get there's plenty of reasons not to like a masterpiece like Red Dead Redemption II, given its adherence to a sort of simulation feel instead of feeling video gamey. I get it, but there's a difference between 'a game that I don't like' vs 'a bad game'. 

I do not understand how anyone can look at Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom and say they aren't masterpieces. (And no, 'the framerate ain't great' or 'the resolution is less than I'm used to' are not good arguments.) The arguments people are using just make no damn sense to me....and this guy up here complaining about it just means he doesn't have the ability to read up on a game first or is just being critical for the opportunity to bitch about stuff. HE didn't like Breath of the Wild, said he didn't think Tears of the Kingdom looked great, then bought it anyway and is bitching about how it's not that special. Who does that? why would anyone do that? What could be gained from deliberately buying a game you don't think looks good AND is a sequel to a game you didn't like? IT sounds less like actual criticism and more like hipster talk, deliberately looking for reasons to bitch about the popular thing. 

I recognise that both GoW and BOTW are increadibly well made games. I'm not sure what everyone's definition of a masterpiece is, so I don't have much to add about that.

I don't neccesarily feel that I dislike some of these games as a whole either. At least I didn't get to that point in BOTW, as I only played for a few hours.
But I did force myself play through the entierty of GoW when I probably should have stopped earlier. I ended up liking the sequel a lot more, but got about halfway through it and then played something else.
(On the subject of buying a sequel to a game you didn't like, I didn't personally buy Ragnarok. My girlfriend bought it for herself, and we share PSN accounts. Perhaps the person above may have bought TOTK for his son that he mentioned?)

One factor is if a game looks interesting enough to make me want to try it. I can suspect that it's good and that I will like it, but if I have several other games waiting for me where I'm sure I'll have a good time, I'll play them "first" and then the cycle repeats itself.

And if I do try a game and the moments where I have fun are more spread out, or it doesn't compell me to turn on the power of my console when I'm not playing, then it's more a case of wanting to play something else that I feel will be more consistently fun for me. 

Also, relevant, if no one posted it yet:

Last edited by Hiku - on 15 May 2023