Numerous reports in Russian channels about Ukrainian forces having begun a larger offensive in several directions. This follows reports of Wagner struggling in Bakhmut in the recent days. Current reports are very conflicting, some mention Ukrainians moving towards Russian border.…
— Dmitri (@wartranslated) May 11, 2023
Numerous reports in Russian channels about Ukrainian forces having begun a larger offensive in several directions. This follows reports of Wagner struggling in Bakhmut in the recent days. Current reports are very conflicting, some mention Ukrainians moving towards Russian border. We still have to see if any of this is real, but the situation is rather similar to September and November regroupings.
Doubt it, Ukraine is likely just performing shaping operations, poking at the Russians, baiting them into traps but the Russians are panicking already.
They have no confidence in their own army, they have no leadership, the panic is setting in, Ukraine is attacking everywhere! Lol.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 May 2023