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Lavamelon said:
Pemalite said:


The things you are describing (torture and execution) are not “traditions”, they are legal punishments. Traditions are based on lifestyle and culture, legal punishments are based on how the government penalises you for doing something they don’t like. Two very different concepts you are intertwining. Celebrating birthdays is also a tradition, but we don’t torture people who refuse to celebrate their birthdays. You can have traditions without harming people who refuse to follow them.

What does it matter whether it's a tradition or a legal punishment? It's still fucked up.

Just reverse it and have a country which imprisons all those of Saudi Arabian descent, now that sounds fucked up doesn't it?

As pointed out already, the shunning of the LGBT community does put them in harms way too by treating them as different from the rest of the human race, thus emboldening acts of violence against them by similar minded bigots or harming them mentally, driving up suicide rates, taking away their basic human right to be treated equally as everyone else, etc.

Also, you can be gay without harming anyone if the bigots were just open-minded.

Lavamelon said:
Ka-pi96 said:

What tradition and cultural values exactly?

Allowing gay people to exist doesn't mean you're forced to participate in any gay activities. Just like allowing a video game with a gay character to release doesn't mean anybody would be forced to play that game.

Saudi Arabia is a country where having families and raising children plays an important role in society. Since homosexual relationships do not produce children, it doesn’t really fit in with Saudi tradition of starting families. If homosexual relationships could produce children, then perhaps it would be more compatible with Saudi Arabian society.

I know that we are steering away from the topic of FF16 being banned in Saudi Arabia, so I will end my discussion here. But if you wanted to know why homosexuality is not seen favourably in Saudi Arabia, there is your answer.

Weak excuse for bigotry.

People can still have families and raise children whilst co-existing equally with gay people, it literally doesn't change a single thing about whether they can do that or not. Whether you shun gay people or not, they aren't having a biological child with the opposite sex because guess what, they're gay! Some gay dude isn't going to suddenly start boning every woman he sees to produce children because laws say it's wrong for him to be gay.

Those straight people who want a child and want to start a family still can. Gay couples can start families via surrogacy or adopting the hundreds of children stuck in the adoption system and create families that way as well. As Lurker said, there are actual reasons why people are more reluctant to start families nowadays and the LGBT community isn't one of them.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 May 2023