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When you play a Sony game you know it's Sony game. When you play a Nintendo game you know it's a Nintendo game. From Mario to Xenoblade. They have that feel. MS the last decade has not had that identity. They have felt like a box with everyone else shit on it. A lot of those exclusives just feel like any game. Esp the middling to badly reviewed ones. They just seem like a game you find anywhere. 360-era Xbox had an identity. Original Xbox struggles in that area as well but it was a new console for a new contender so it was mostly forgiven that for every Sudeki, Blinx, Azurik, Bruce Leee The Legend Continues. They still had Halo,PGR, JSRF, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Otogi, Amped, and more. So the system showed promise.

360 delivered pretty much on that hope for potential...until Kinect. Kinect I think was the beginning that Xbox started to lose that trust and audience. Then Xbox One was revealed and always online, DRM and such happened. An entire generation of broken promises and not very good games aside from Forza and Gears and the latter past its peak in popularity. Halo became less popular than Squid Kid shooter. Spencer has been great at PR but awful at managing studios and projects. It's been him promising every year esp in the XBO era. "Greatest year in Xbox history!" Then later apologizing for coming up short. It's been a cycle for years now. Xbox has no real identity anymore and has lost a lot of trust with consumers. GP is fine but it requires far less commitment than buying a console and supporting it.

Sony has had a generation head start on MS. They have delivered hits every generation in sales. A few flops like even PS4 had The Order 1886. But as mentioned they also had a Bloodborne.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!