Like, even the positive news, such as things about Game Pass, is met with a snarky response, then when someone challenges you on something, it's met with a snarky response, nobody can challenge you on anything as a result because why would they bother, it looks as though you have no intention of having your views challenged and instead want to just provoke a reaction, I.E. have fun, because you're bored.
As I said, I have a Switch, I consider myself a Nintendo fan but if I suddenly posted in the Nintendo OT to mostly speak about how shit Gamefreak is and then not say anything about actually playing my Switch, I try to find the issue in all positive news, then try to put down people for liking Pokemon because it's a 70 Meta title (I buy Pokemon day one every release) and say my only interest in Switch is Astral Chain...It'd look suspicious.
But it's worse in your example because people have already made a judgement on your character based on your behaviour outside of this thread, I don't think the same could be done to me because I don't talk about Nintendo anywhere, so in your case, the odds are already stacked against you and honestly I understand why, I've had debates with you outside of this thread where I've been suspicious of your behaviour as a Moderator.
But the bigger issue is that it often doesn't even look like you're making an attempt to change their view of you, your first few posts in this thread set a bad start and since then you keep adding to that bad start, I honestly don't know what you expect, it doesn't even look like you're trying, it often looks like you're trying to provoke a reaction, you yourself have basically admitted to that when you said you were bored, Lol.
Personally, I've not really trusted a lot of your intentions, especially in here. But I have tried to give you a fair shot and looked the other way but it's becoming clear now that a large portion of the thread is taking issue with your behaviour so it's time that I step in and say my thoughts and you can take the advice and toss it away or take the advice and try to improve.
But to be clear, the larger community of my thread and the wellbeing of my thread is my biggest concern rather than a individuals feelings.