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It is no secret that Playstation has been outselling Xbox spectacularly for the last two generations. Now, although I do think that there are multiple reasons for this, there is one specific theory that I keep seeing pop up a lot in gaming forums, and that is that Xbox games simply don't have the same pull as Sony games. And again, looking at the sales numbers, it is hard to argue against that theory; but then I look at Steam charts and something just doesn't add up. Xbox games on Steam tend to sell a lot better than Sony games, with several games being able to stay in the top 100 charts for dozens of consecutive weeks, a feat that no game from Sony has ever been able to achieve.

But it doesn't stop there; when we look at the peak player count for the last 24 hours, we can clearly see that several Xbox games not only tend to sell better than Sony's, but they are also played for much longer and tend to have much longer legs.

So, in the end, why do PC players prefer Xbox games? or rather, why are gamers content with playing Xbox games on PC and not on Xbox?
Is it the genre? could it be that the 3rd person action adventure fanbase has already gathered around the Playstation hardware? or could it be that PC players who are interested in Sony games at launch (or close to it) simply don´t have any other option than to buy Playstation hardware to play them?

I strongly believe that this last option is the safest bet; that is why I truly believe that Microsoft made a huge mistake when they decided to release their games on PC on the same day as Xbox. I think they still would have been able to reap the benefits of PC gaming by releasing their games at least 6 month to one year later there, without sacrificing their Xbox hardware. What do you guys think?