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Phil said he's not trying to oversell the showcase but he's very enthusiastic about the showcase. 

Going to announce some things people haven't seen, updates to some things on Parris list (Avowed, Perfect Dark, Everwild, Fable, State of Decay 3, Contraband).

He's excited about the next quarters, his focus has always been on how to get a big game out every quarter (at quality) that things are lining up FINALLY after the slowdown of COVID (he's tired of talking about that), he can now see that they have games coming every quarter that will surprise and delight customers.

1 AAA Per Quarter. It's finally almost here.

He's not trying to build one game to rule them all, they have a very diverse portfolio and he likes that, he doesn't want to mimic any other brands but create their own and they have to do it at quality and on time, have to show gameplay.