Wow, Russia is finally going to really take off its gloves, and try something incredibly dramatic it's never done before, like maybe to take Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Kherson.
— Aric Toler (@AricToler) May 3, 2023
This also implies that the attack can be replicated: it was not a one-off. In some ways it resembles the Doolittle raid: low impact in terms of the actual damage done, but potentially significant based on Kremlin reaction. It also signals a significant capacity. 4/n
— Brynn Tannehill (@BrynnTannehill) May 3, 2023
It would be extremely embarrassing for this to happen a second time, and make Putin look impotent to stop Ukrainian attacks. Therefore, he's almost certainly going to pull scarce Short Range Air defenses (like the Pantsir) back to Moscow. 6/n
— Brynn Tannehill (@BrynnTannehill) May 3, 2023
This also shows that UA can (probably) reach out to at least 450km with their drones, unless the launch took place from somewhere inside Russia (which would induce an even bigger Russian freak out and paranoia). Either possibility is bad for RU. 8/n
— Brynn Tannehill (@BrynnTannehill) May 3, 2023