Issue with Xbox doing another console in 2027 would maybe be PS5's Pro releasing in 2024. Do they releasing a Series Pro in 2024 or do they wait for 2027?
I actually think Xbox will be behind Sony again on the Pro, One X released a year after PS4 Pro, I think the same will happen again. Xbox Series Pro will be 2025 and PS5 Pro will be 2024.
Releasing a Pro two years before next gen would be a bit annoying, so I think next gen starts 2028.
...We didn't need a Pro console for this gen...Frustrating...The gen has barely got off the ground, pandemic slapped it up, we've still got MFs on Unreal Engine 4 and cross-gen, Lol. I don't think these consoles are powerful enough to use RTX effectively but I don't give a shit...Pro consoles will be for what...Just to chase slightly prettier graphics as per usual, Lol.