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Ryuu96 said:

The CMA Didn’t Consider the Agreement With Nintendo as Evidence That MS Was Interested in Distributing Cod to More Platforms Because the Agreement Was Entered During the Review Process (Page 186)

Regarding the Nintendo agreement, in addition to noting that this theory of harm is primarily focussed on SIE for reasons already explained, we also consider the points discussed in the ability assessment regarding the uncertainty created by certain terms of this agreement also apply to our incentive analysis. With regards to Microsoft's submission that this agreement demonstrates a general intention to distribute CoD on more consoles, we note that this agreement has been entered into during the course of our Merger investigation (and those of other authorities). We therefore do not consider this is reliable evidence of what Microsoft's incentives would otherwise be in the ordinary course.


Probably fair to have scepticism here.


Fair skepticism on MS intent yes but I hope they didn't overlook the legally binding implications and benefits consumer benefits. The intention might not be pure but the benefits are undeniable.

For cloud gaming 10-15 years seems the most reasonable, earlier than this seems optimistic and overly so for 5 years.

1 thing that seems to have been greatly overlooked though is that expanding on cloud gaming needs an extreme amount of investment. 1 actor that reached profitability while excluding hardware costs is not painting an accurate portrait of reality. One dominant aspect in reducing lag is server proximity this might need hundreds of $B of investment to achieve and those investments will predominantly be expanded by MS, Amazon, and Google to support both first-party service and 3rd party one (only third-party in case of Google). And out of those 3 MS looks to be the one that will take the lion's share of those investments regardless of the ABK deal. So the CMA here may be telling MS that it will have to do the investment without a way to greatly diminish the risk associated with these. That'll have direct implications regarding innovation for the sake of easing monitoring requirements and somehow they doubt their own ability to act upon an actual impact on the market when it materializes itself and so act upon uncertainty and speculation of a market they clearly don't fully grasp.