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VersusEvil said:

The sad reality is whilst this is the last Arkane game of the Zenimax era the damage might well and truly be done. How long until the next true Arkane SP game, 4,5,6 years? Will there even be another core SP game? How long until the main talent starts to leave? When Redfall fails critically the blame needs to be split 3 ways. Almost all on Zenimax management for forcing Arkane to follow their utterly stupid MP endeavours for a second time, on Phil for continuing to be “hands off” with Xbox studios and not reigning this shit in and honestly …Arkane need to hang their head in shame and take the last of the blame… a 4/10 is disgraceful and beneath their proven ability. DMCA striking everybody, unconvincing gameplay shown throughout, no reviews till release day and the first leaked reviews aren’t good, this might actually be a low/mid 60s and that is truly… truly sad to see how far Arkane has fallen.

Edit: ACG calling it one of the worst games of 2023. RIP.

About 4-6 years give or take would be a fair estimate but depends on factors like new IP, sequels, if Lyon/Austin join forces again, etc. Lyon seems to be fine, Deathloop didn't seem to do that great commercially which is typical but it scored well, although practically everyone I talk to aside from reviewers say that Deathloop is overrated, but still a good title, I think most would still want Lyon to do a single-player only title next though.

Austin will have to have a long think after this and maybe be pre-occupied for a while, Lyon is almost certainly already in development of their next title shortly after the release of Deathloop so when you say "when is Arkane's next title" it also depends, Lyon or Austin? Lol. This split structure situation means they are basically two independent studios.

Yeah, I do think Zenimax shares a large part of the blame here, by the time Xbox acquired them it was probably too late but I did notice a change in marketing for Redfall over the years from "live-service/multiplayer" to "single-player too! Arkane DNA!" but honestly I don't really blame Arkane at all...If they were made to do this, something completely out of their wheel house, then it's hard to blame them.

Plus on a new engine to them and open world which Unreal Engine 4 sucks at.

DMCA striking would be on Zenimax, the review situation is Zenimax too, they've been fuckers with reviews since Doom 2016 where they've either been embargo's until launch, or only a day before, sometimes not sending some outlets reviews altogether and they've defended it in the past, honestly Zenimax corporate just sucks.

Maybe Pete Hines as Head of Publishing for Bethesda Softworks will change things overtime...At least let their studios do what they want. I don't think delaying this title would have really helped with reviews, it seems like the core idea is just bad and would need a reboot, it's probably for the best to just get it out and move on.

Should say it's sad to see how hard Arkane Austin has fallen* Cause Lyon is still killing it for the most part.