Yeah Redfall is starting to look like a high 60s - low 70s, Lol.
Goes to show that no studio is untouchable.
Feel a bit sorry for Arkane, I'm about 99% sure that Redfall was "forced" onto them by Bethesda, in fact I read an interview a few weeks ago that basically said Bethesda didn't want to do Dishonoured 3 and wanted something with more of a multiplayer focus, which created Deathloop. We also had Fallout 76 and the crappy Wolfenstein co-op spinoff.
Then I think at some point during development they tried to deviate Redfall back to a traditional Arkane single-player title, it was heavily promoted at first as a co-op focused title and then it was heavily promoted as a traditional Arkane single-player focused title, then the descriptions went from Left 4 Dead to Borderlands to FarCry, Lol. Now all the reviews so far are saying the solo is bad.
Based on a few reviews, it doesn't sound like delaying this would have changed much, it'd need a lot longer than a 6 month delay, it sounds like the game at its core is just very unfocused and doesn't know what it wants to be, an RPG, a looter shooter, an unsatisfying progression, etc. The vibe I'm getting from the leaked reviews. Some point you have to cut your losses and just move on, they were given an almost year delay already.
Arkane needs to regroup and focus on what makes them great, immersive single-player focused titles, we could have got a Prey 2 instead, Lol. Hopefully if I'm correct, Bethesda will chill now from chasing live-service, co-op focused titles, being under Xbox's safety blanket but man this is a bummer for now. This feels like the Rocksteady situation, a brilliant single-player studio being made to chase after that co-op live service cash cow.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 01 May 2023