Kyu Blu Kelly is a super interesting guy. He has a deal with Microsoft for a video game, which is about a Seal Team 6 that travels back in time. He couldn't say too much, but that sounds badass.
— Ryan Mink (@ryanmink) April 29, 2023
Kyu Blu Kelly has signed a deal with Microsoft for a video game he created. The tagline: "A Seal Team 6 that travels back in time to stop historic events."
— Jonas Shaffer (@jonas_shaffer) April 29, 2023
Kyu Blu Kelly (drafted by the Baltimore Ravens) says he's signed a deal with Microsoft for a new video game (which will also have a movie based on the game), described as "A Seal Team Six that travels back in time to stop people from trying to change historic events"
— Wario64 (@Wario64) April 29, 2023
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 29 April 2023