"Analysts on Wednesday questioned whether the CMA was making an apples-to-oranges comparison between the Microsoft Game Pass's cloud offering and those of Amazon, Sony, Nvidia Corp. and others.
"I think they're rather misinformed on what the cloud gaming market is," said Joost Van Dreunen, who lectures at New York University's Stern business school. "They're conflating cloud gaming with the revenue model. Then they're looking at it as a distinct technology and a market in another sense."
For example, the CMA may be overstating the Game Pass's role in Microsoft's cloud gaming dominance when cloud gaming is just one feature of the service.
"I don't think we can compare the way Microsoft uses cloud gaming to the way Amazon uses it for Luna," said Joost Rietvalt, an associate professor of strategy and entrepreneurship at University College London's School of Management. "The market share is driven by the popularity of Game Pass, not the popularity of cloud gaming within gamers."
It's an argument that analysts say Microsoft and Activision may invoke when they appeal. Activision on Wednesday called the CMA decision "disproportionate, irrational and inconsistent with the evidence,"
Cloud Gaming Niche Is a Big Headache for Microsoft, Activision - Bloomberg