I haven't fully committed yet. Realized I missed a game, that I would have really enjoyed, that has been out for a while, Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. The last game I played that came close to resembling that one was....??????????? Something in 1994-95. Similar to Freelancer.
I was wanting to check out Ghostwire, but the lack of a physical edition kind of bummed me out. I will still get it, but I'll wait til a price drop. I'm really stoked for Redfall, I won't be playing with others or competitively so the 30 fps may even add to the spooky factor in the theater room. A little booze and relaxants before I play should make it quite pleasurable. But it should have had 60 fps launch.
Making some art with some bodies from Dead Island 2 seems cool (censored for gore). I also have Hogwarts sitting on the back burner, still wrapped in plastic.
If I wanted to just say fuck it and change things up a bit, probably Tears of the Kingdom until Starfield comes out.
...and Diablo IV wherever I can sneak it in
...to avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.