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Slownenberg said:
Cobretti2 said:

Yer but with that logic, why would anyone create a new live-action movie with new characters? Sometimes you have to risk it to get the biscuit as they say lol. Therefore, just because a wider audience may not know it now, doesn't mean that a well executed movie can't attract them to it. Otherwise movies would have been long dead already. It also depends what Nintendo's aim would be. Would it be a one off movie or would they try to make a series out of it? The first movie, they may be happy to break even if they spend big money on marketing for it for example, as this will drive people to want to watch the next one (assuming first one was good).

We also all know that Nintendo don't always play it safe as we seen with their consoles, so I can see them going all in and taking a gamble to see if it pays off.

Yea exactly. And sure Zelda isn't as high profile with the general public as Mario, but outside of Mario it is one of the most recognizable IPs in video games. Norion, it's not like people are gonna be like "what is this zelda thing??".

You combine the highly recognizable IP of Zelda with the highly popular genre of blockbuster fantasy movies and you've got a potentially enormous smash hit in live-action Zelda movies that could go through several movies especially if they really build the characters in the first movie so that people think of the actors as Zelda, Link, etc like the way the public thinks of the actors in superhero movies as those characters.

Suddenly people are coming out of nowhere acting like live action movies can't make money lol. I don't think there is any chance that a Zelda animated movie would do anywhere near as well as a Zelda live-action. I'd give Zelda live-action at minimum few hundred million dollar advantage at the box office compared to an animated movie. I don't see Zelda animated appealing to anywhere near the number of people that Mario animated appeals to, but I could see Zelda live-action being on par with Mario animated movie's appeal. I think, assuming high quality for both concepts, Zelda animated would probably be a <$500 million thing, while live-action could very well be over a billion and possibly as big as wherever the Mario movie ends up. Cuz with live-action you're gonna still have all the kids into it, but you're also gonna have all the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s year olds who love fantasy movies loving it.

Build the characters is something that would work, and it would be relatively cheap for the first two movies using unknown actors for the roles of Link and Zelda. Look at Harry Potter as an example, started as children, then the series wrapped up when they were essentially adults. Just need a few strong adult actors to help those kids shine and develop and grow.

Look at last of US as a good example, very popular actor (Pedro, who attracted the non gamers to also watch the series) and a relatively young up and coming actress (Bella) who many would not know, now everyone knows her far more then they did before.