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I think I'm actually better at Legend of Zelda now days, but yeah I get rusty at Space Invaders and Phoenix if I haven't played in a while, Tecmo Bowl as well. It all has to do with Muscle memory. However, when I go back to old games I'm dissapointed not because I feel they are lame, it's because it makes me feel that the newer games are lame. It's like when I was a kid I imagine that the games in the future would be way better and more fun. Now it's like ok, the graphics are way beyond, but they really arent as fun, or carefully crafted (well at least with the better games anyway). I still wonder what it would be like if they just straight up 3Dd the original Super Mario Bros and especially Castlevania and just kept them the same basic game (they might have to Sonicize them to give them the right effect but to me thats what would be sweet).

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself