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Machiavellian said:
Ryuu96 said:

"Microsoft was doing something illegal but I looked the other way until they decided to screw me over before I screwed them first"

This dude is such a fucking moron outside of his field of expertise, it's unbelievable how much dumb shit he says/does in anything which doesn't include cars or rockets. And just for be clear, nothing Microsoft was doing is illegal, so please, I beg you Musk, sue Microsoft, try to take them to court, I would love to see Microsoft end this MF with their lawyers. Unfortunately he won't...He threatens legal action a lot and never goes through with it.

How exactly is he going to sue MS.  MS doesn't own OpenAI so he would actually need to sue the company he founded.  Even so, I am not even sure if Twitter own that data.  Its public data as long as they allowed people to access that data.  They cannot just decide to sue when people actually use that data.  Its a very empty threat if you ask me.

Talking bollocks like usual.

He's so mad that he has nothing to do with OpenAI anymore, Lmao. His "pause AI development" which is arguably understandable for certain reasons, was so transparent as to why he specifically was demanding it, he's salty that he isn't a part of it anymore and wants to create his own AI rival so he wants OpenAI to "pause" development for totally "ethical" reasons even though Musk doesn't know what ethics are.

You're right. Twitter doesn't own that data, they don't own what people post onto their Twitter accounts and if they now claim that they do then surely they must take responsibility for everything people posts onto their Twitter accounts and opens Twitter themselves up to a bunch of lawsuits. It's pretty much like his threat to sue the guy who was "doxxing" him by tracking his plane, an empty threat because it's perfectly legal.