SecondWar said:
I’d put to Lula the same question I put to several people I see espousing a supposedly ‘pro-peace’ message - if your country facing the same situation that Ukraine finds itself in now, would you be willingly to accept the terms you are saying Ukraine should accept? Because my guess is that you wouldn’t. Also why are you insisting Ukraine, the country that has been invaded concede to Russia and not the other way around? |
Anti-American Brain Rot. Everything America Supports = Bad. Plus being Putin's bitch.
He definitely wouldn't accept Brazil being invaded, slaughtered and having its land stolen by another country but it's easy to tell others to lay down and die. "Hey guys, we want peace so, just let the Nazis slaughter all the Jews, ok?" is now "Hey guys, we want peace, so just let Russia take over Ukraine and slaughter all the Ukrainians"
This twat has the nerve to blame America whilst there's videos of Russians castrating live Ukrainians and decapitating them, Russians going through Ukrainian cities like a plague, destroying everything in their path, purposely targeting civilians, killing thousands of innocents, pillaging Ukraine and raping them. Videos of well known Russian mouthpieces of the Kremlin advocating for wiping out all Ukrainians.
I know Lula isn't an idiot who doesn't see all of this, he knows full well what is happening but he doesn't care despite pretending to do so, "I want peace" is just code for "Let my buddy Putin have what he wants" and as far as I'm concerned that just makes him as much of a scumbag as Putin. If you really want peace then tell Putin to get the fuck out of a country which isn't his and join us against Russia to add further pressure.
Who are these "like-minded nations not involved in the war" to discuss peace as well? Let me guess, Russian allies, Lol. USA isn't incentivising anything, they tried to stop Russia with words, it didn't work, Ukraine asked for weapons, America is providing weapons, as long as Ukraine asks for our support then people like Lula should shut up and focus on his own country because he's absolutely braindead in foreign politics.
This war really broke a lot of leftist brains, spent so long calling out the awful shit America has done, which fair play to them, so did I, but once America is on the right side of things for once their brain fucking scrambles and they went from criticising the bad stuff the West has done to jumping in the bed of Russian imperialism/fascism cause America must always be the bad guy and they're happy to share that same bed with far right scum like MTG.
The sheer stupidity and hypocrisy of asking America to stay out of it but also suggesting that Brazil and "like-minded nations" come together to negotiate peace on behalf of Ukraine without actually asking Ukraine what they want, they never ask Ukraine what they want whilst telling others to stop helping Ukraine, shut the hell up, you have no right to say what Ukraine should do in this situation.
We all want peace, nobody wants this war, we all tried to tell Russia not to do it with words, appeasement doesn't work. There's only two people in this war, Ukraine and Russia, Ukraine is defending itself from an aggressor that wants its total extermination, Russia is attacking Ukraine for a land grab, there is one person who could bring peace and end this war tomorrow if he really wanted to and that's Putin.
But nah, go and slaughter an entire people, Russia. America bad, I'm so smart. Rant over