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HoloDust said:

I'm afraid it is you who is focusing on just one aspect of original Zelda, that is, free roam exploration, which was present in other games of that era (like Ultima who started it all) and disregarding completely other key mechanisms which were ditched from BotW.

BotW could've been true to original formula and designed as semi-open item-gated world, but they decided to change its DNA, so no, it is not really like original Zelda.

Quite the opposite actually BOTW is true to the original hence why it uses the original as a template and the fact that the development team agree that the free open adventuring aspect was what was the core appeal highlights this key mechanics weren't ditched in BOTW other mechanics were focused on/added/expanded on instead and for the better what you think is the DNA of Zelda was only ever part of it that appeal mainly to players like yourself now the whole DNA of Zelda if focused on. Comparing Ultima to Zelda is like comparing old hack and slash titles to the first DMC as while the former were using the concept already the latter's execution was far more advance and game changing in going forward.