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HoloDust said:

Yes, Zelda 1 is more open than subsequent entries and we've been talking about Zelda 1 in previous posts, so not sure where you're going with your statement.

BotW is not like Zelda 1, it is not really back to roots, because those roots are semi-open item-gated world design, which BotW is not. Sure, it has given us exploration that was so sadly missing from Aonuma's 3D Zeldas, but it killed off other mechanisms that were part of what defined Zelda. You and many others might be fine with it and like the new formula, I am not and I don't. As I said on many occasions, there are IPs that I like more than Zelda that were subsequently changed too much and lost its DNA, so I've stopped enjoying those IPs...and life went on and I moved to other IPs that I enjoy more.

We'll never see eye to eye about BotW, but that's fine...for me there are much better open world games and much better Zeldas and I guess in 5-6 years will see what next Zelda after TotK will bring.

You're focusing on a null and void point here you're arguing about it being semi open when the point is the original Zelda being semi open allowed for an adventure experience that was massively free and open at the time in the mid 80s like what BOTW does now, it is this free open adventure that BOTW returns the series to for the modern era this is more apparent in how the developer created a 2d version of BOTW in the same veil as the original Zelda and how Aonuma has said they used the original as a template in building BOTW, returning to roots doesn't mean being identical in every aspect either BOTW very much still has the DNA of Zelda in it the new formula just focuses on the other parts of the series DNA.