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The great thing about the potential for making Zelda movies is that they could make all kinds of different ones. Mario is pretty much stuck in kids animation movies, it would be silly to leave that territory. But Zelda could have everything from light hearted animation kids movies to live action for the whole family to darker themed live action for adults. I can't help thinking about them making LotR-style Zelda movies - live action, with dark themes but a lighter side so it is watchable by all ages except like toddlers. Live action fantasy movies are huge in the market and Zelda could totally be a billion-dollar-movie property with several movies like LotR if they are done extremely well.

Also thinking the way Disney has expanded Star Wars from movies into lots of live action spin-off shows or mini-series. I could see a Princess Zelda show. I could also see a Metroid show in addition to a Metroid movie or two.

Hopefully in like a decade we'll have gotten another animated Mario movie, a trilogy of Zelda live-actions, a Metroid live-action, a DK animated, a Kirby animated, a Star Fox animated movie. And maybe even a Smash Bros movie by then, setting the stage to expand into other Nintendo IP. Plus at least a couple cool shows, Princess Zelda live-action where she does stuff as Sheik and that really explores the Hyrule Kingdom would probably be the coolest.