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Agree with OP, this SHOULD mark a turning point for Nintendo. The Japanese Nintendo execs have always been so conservative with Nintendo properties but Nintendo has some of the best IP in the world. A Nintendo Cinematic Universe akin to Marvel just makes sense. They have a ton of IP focused around iconic characters just like Marvel's superhero IP, and they even already combine them in the Smash games.

Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Kirby, etc could be huge tv/movie properties as long as they are done really well. I mean Zelda is just begging for a series of live action movies. Metroid live action would be awesome. Mario, DK, Star Fox obviously would be animation. And like Marvel has done, they introduce the other characters in ensemble movies with characters that already have their own popular movies, and then they are able to expand out by giving these new characters their own movies. Nintendo could do the same thing, starting with Mario, Zelda, Metroid, DK, Star Fox, then doing an animation Smash Bros movie where they introduce other characters who will later get their own movies or shows or whatever. I guess it'd be a little sloppier because some series seem better fitted for live action while some are better for animation, so it wouldn't quite have the synergy of Marvel ensemble movies which are not only character driven but very much actor/actress driven.

In terms of character driven IP Nintendo is probably the biggest untapped potential of any company in the world. They have some of the most iconic characters in the world and they've highly restricted them for the past 30 years. Hopefully making hundreds of millions of dollars from a single movie will make Nintendo realize they could create a new annual revenue stream of hundreds of millions of dollars in this way. A high fantasy live action Zelda movie targeting at 20/30s year olds but still enjoyable for kids would absolutely kill.

Definitely expect another Mario movie, a DK movie since he was in this one, and a live action Zelda movie in the next few years. After they've tested the market out with live action Zelda which should be a huge success, then get in a live action Metroid. Throw in Star Fox animation movie and then maybe the animation Smash Bros movie with Mario, DK, Zelda, Metroid, and Star Fox characters and introduce some new ones that could have their own movies in the future. This is the way.

Last edited by Slownenberg - on 08 April 2023