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CaptainExplosion said:
mZuzek said:

Yeah, because in the past all commercially successful movies were also widely acclaimed critically.

Many of the best movies have also been financial failures though. Even some Disney classics like Pinocchio or Alice in Wonderland.

I was being sarcastic. There are lots of bad movies that became huge box office hits, and there have always been. Mario is not quite bad, but... it's not good either.

CaptainExplosion said:
badnewsforthem said:

hoping for more success, i'd love to see Nintendo become big on the movie industry which means more of the games i love get adapted.

Same, but some Nintendo IPs just won't work under Illumination, like Zelda and Star Fox because they're too serious, and Metroid because it's way too scary for younger audiences.

For the sake of quality I'd love it if this was the extent of their work with Illumination. I was a bit scared of Zelda until @Eagle367 said the other day that it should be a Ghibli movie and now that's all I want, it's a match made in heaven. As for other franchises...

Star Fox seems tailor-made for DreamWorks, especially now that they're taking a more stylized approach to their films (it's easy to see how they can adapt and improve on the style of Star Fox Zero - The Battle Begins).

Metroid... Honestly, whoever they give it to, I just hope it's a talented director who can really make a movie in the same spirit of the franchise. Which is to say, a movie unlike most blockbusters. I want it live-action, too. Think the most similar film I've seen to the style Metroid should have was Mad Max Fury Road - a lot of action, little dialogue, but still a compelling story through strong character work and acting. It's Nintendo's most promising IP to make a movie out of, but also probably the hardest to get right.