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Was thinking about this post this morning. I have heard on podcasts that have interviewed game devs that this ratio is roughly accurate.

And if that is the case, then it can be conservatively estimated that Sea of thieves has sold about 8 million copies on steam alone. That is not game pass downloads, that is hard game sales, on just 1 platform. That's a staggering number IMO, and it would likely mean it's total sales number is in the ballpark of a number of major Sony and Nintendo AAA releases.

Another big one is Forza Horizon 5. Using this methodology it's steam sales are likely at about 3.6 million, conservatively. The in game leader board currently logs about 30 million players total, so when you combine sales from Xbox and the Xbox PC app, I think it is highly likely FH5 has sold at least 10 million copies total, and probably more.

I think the narrative that Xbox is not capable of making AAA hits has to die. They are absolutely killing it on steam right now