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It might also play into Xbox's reluctance to shove a bunch of CG trailers in as well.

Indiana Jones will likely be another CG trailer. Quake Reboot will likely be another CG tailer. Zenimax MMO will likely be another CG trailer.

  • Bethesda Game Studios will have the Starfield showcase.
  • Arkane and Tango definitely won't appear.
  • Roundhouse looks like a support studio.
  • Alpha Dog is a mobile studio.

They might just say it isn't worth it and not worth disrupting development, take your time now that you've covered us for 2023, Lol.

Orrrr, I could be wrong and Microsoft have learnt to start advertising Bethesda as actually being Xbox now, rather than Xbox Game Studios and Bethesda. Orrrr, I could be half right and the reason Bethesda isn't in the title is because they have an extremely light presence at the showcase.