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SanAndreasX said:
CaptainExplosion said:

The sooner Putin dies the sooner we might be able to end this bullshit. Unfortunately Russia may go down with him. -_-

I won't be shedding any tears over the asshole's death. However, I'm not sure Yevgeny Prigozhin would be an improvement, or Kadyrov, or any of the other collection of thugs and oligarchs that would be jockeying for the job.

Absolutely zero chance that Kadyrov gets anywhere near Russian leadership, on the simple basis that he is Chechen, also a little because he acts like a brat, Lol. Kadyrov will always be a dog on a leash to anyone who rules Russia to keep Chechnya in line.

I've my doubts that Prigozhin will get near leadership as well, I think he'd sooner be killed off, I see him a little like Kadyrov, a dog on a leash who is effective but far too disliked. I know we mock Girkin but he has FSB ties and dislikes Prigozhin, Shoigu & Gerasimov both dislike him, Prigozhin doesn't have the FSB on his side and there are more than a few regional Russian leaders who dislike him.

As one of them said, Prigozhin is nothing but a chef who hired some mercs.

Be crazy to see someone who is wanted by the FBI as Russia's next leader though. I'm not even sure if he has any political ambitions for real or if he is just trolling, it looks a few times like he's just eager for Putin's attention, I see him doing all this PR in Ukraine but I think if Wagner doesn't ultimately take Bakhmut then if Prigozhin does have political ambitions, they'll be over after that.

But even outside of those two, everyone else is trash like you've said, such as that POS Medvedev.